Thursday, 21 June 2012


I love u so much darling
I want to be with u
Share your scent
Lay with u and grow old together

I want to share your pain
I want to share your joy

I want to be that woman you seek
I want to be the object of ur desire
I want to be a part of ur life, good or bad

Give me the chance to grow old with u baby

I long for your touch
I can imagine your lips locking with mine
Oh! How wonderful will it be...
The day we meet again, my love

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Something About Men

A man loves to be in charge

A man loves to posses

A man loves to own

A man loves to lead

A man loves to be heard

A man loves to be obeyed

Can he turn down a kind gesture?

Can he ignore a warm show of affection?

Can he dare ignore an open love advances?

There is something about men

He is excited when he finds love

He wants to please her and make her his world

Defend her and stand for/by her in truth

Be her hero and her lord

Someone she will run to instead of her friends

He wants to be able to fulfill her every need

Her desires he wants to meet

Passion for passion

He wont let go

Till he totally conquers and makes her his own


There's a little man
who lives down the street:
a nosier fellow than he,
I've never seen.
an impatient man
if ever there was one
though he's everybody's foe,
he's always in everybody's home
hurrying dads to work,
and chasing mums around the house
children love him less
because he's the school-bus driver
oh! How i hate to hear mum say
"hurry! hurry! Time's going"
Time! He never waits for anyone

By: Sophia Enyinwa I.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

In My Quiet Moment

In my quiet mo. . .

I think of you
Just like the rising sun
I long for you to appear
I miss u so much dear

Sometimes I wish U were close
Sometimes I wish I could fly and meet U
I long for you my dear

You are in my thoughts daily
I carry you everywhere I go
In my heart, I place you
A special place you occupy

Had I known this is where it leads
I wouldn't have opened the door when you knocked
You stole my heart away
Yet, you are far away

Come home to me my darling... I humbly await you.

Dedicated to you, my love

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Things that are Constant in Life

(From a Woman's perspective)

People don't change: In the few years I have spent on earth, I have realised that people don't change. If you are planning on signing a life long contract with anyone, please think well before forging ahead. If you think your partner will change after you are married, please think twice.

Women are the greatest pretenders: fine, we see men pretend cos of money or what they want to get. In marriage, you see a woman whose heart belongs to another man, yet devoted and committed to her husband.

In love matters, women suffer more: Imagine living under the same roof with some one you do not love. Just imagine! Some do it for selfish reasons, mostly for wealth. Some do because they have no choice.

Women do not forgive easily and they hardly forget: This is a tough nut to crack. Men wonder why. You hurt her deeply when you break her trust. Once the trust is broken, it is difficult to get it back. No matter how you beg, no matter how she claims she has forgiven you, she still keeps it locked somewhere in her heart to be re-opened when next you mess up. Funny, isn't it?

Women love more:
We are more open when in love. We love wholeheartedly ( except for some exceptions). We go all the way. We go all out.

Women are more dangerous in revenge: Pay back is a NaughtyWoman they say. Hurt her or the one that matters to her and she can drain all the blood in her veins to get a revenge.

To be contd.

When Love Hurts

Love sucks when it makes u hurt badly
Love sucks when u can't have "a happy ever after"
Love sucks when it has to go away
Love sucks when it's felt for the wrong person
Love sucks when u can't love in return
Love sucks when u can't sleep, thinking of another
Love sucks when it can't be expressed
Love sucks when it brings out a tear in your eye
Love sucks when your heart bleeds

What's the essence of love?

Love makes the world go round. . . Duh! It doesn't cos it just died here.
Love's been shot sad
Love's so dead.
If cupid comes knocking again, please show him the next door.

From: A bleeding heart

Monday, 11 June 2012


Love and pride are two enemies that can’t coexist
When one partner refuses to accept his wrongs
When “I’m sorry” becomes an issue
When you expect the other to go first
When you are too big to apologise

Then . . . Pride is in the way
Pride gets in the way of loving someone unconditionally
Pride will quench the flames of love
Pride builds bitterness
Pride encourages selfishness

Love forgives
Love heals
Love apologises when wrong
Love puts pride aside
Choose love over pride

What is Life?

Love is life
What is life without love
What is life without hope
What is life without faith

What is life without friendship
What is life without companionship
What is life without intimacy

What is life without fun
What is life without life
What is life without excitement

What is life without U . . .

Mumi Tani's Place

This blog is about living and loving life.

I will be sharing love stories, poems, challenges, daily life struggles, true life stories and general life issues that bothers on everyday living.

If you have anything you would love me to share, kindly drop me a mail.


Hey there!

hmmm . . .  finally got this blog thing started.
I'm using this as a test run till I start the real thing.

If you see anything you like, kindly leave a comment.

