Saturday, 7 July 2012


Life is a struggle, God expects you to survive
Life is a race, not everyone gets to the finish line
Life is a game, not all players play fair, be smart
Life is a test, God expects you to pass
Life is what you make of it
Make hay while the sun shines
Live and let others live
Do unto others what you want to be done to you
There is such thing as nemesis
Hope is that light at the end of the tunnel, don’t give up
You are who you make yourself to be, believe the best.
Reject abuse, make yourself happy always
Smile and put a smile on the face of others
In all things, remember that life is a stage and we all are actors after all.


  1. Nice Moma!!!!

  2. Nice piece.We are all indeed actors in the stage called life. Therefore, we must always act according to the script written by the creator.

  3. Nice piece. We are all indeed, actors in the stage called life. Therefore, we must act according to the script written by the creator.

  4. Thanks Soph. How have u been?
