Friday, 21 June 2013

What Happened to our Values?

I am blogging this morning with a heavy heart.
When we have lost our values and uphold things alien to our faith and culture, then I know it is time to mourn.

When we leave the natural use of things and begin to embrace that which is an abomination, I say the end is drawing closer than one can imagine.

We often say, "Jesus is coming soon"!
Do we actually believe he is coming soon?
Is his second coming something we are truly looking forward to?
Or are we just passing time, hoping when he comes eventually we will be among His holy people without living according to the precepts he has laid down?

I am also guilty of all I listed above to some extent.
Not that I don't believe He is coming soon, but I have not been watchful and prayerful as the scriptures instructed us to be.
I have been complacent and my focus has been more on pleasing “ME” than on pleasing God.
I did a thorough soul search and I see the need to go back to my first love.

I grew up understanding a family to consist of a mother, father and children (and by extension, a group of people related by blood). And I understand a marriage to be the legal relationship between a man and a woman (husband and wife).

The society is now teaching me to accept a family to comprise of 2 parents of same sex as father and mother or 2 parents of different sex as father and mother.

Marriage can now be a union between 2 males or 2 females.

We have refused to distinguish the fundamental difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

I realized that when fundamental things suddenly become less important to us, it only says one thing - that our set of values has changed.

When you begin to embrace things alien to your faith and culture, it only means that you have become so liberal that you no longer see the danger signs or remember the history behind those things.

Some things are an abomination unto God.

Homosexuality is an abomination unto God. It is not an alternate lifestyle; it is an aberration, an unnatural use of your body and a SIN.

God made Adam & Eve and not Peter & Paul or Susan & Sally.

If you indulge in it, desist, because it is a sign of God's judgement on your life.

I am a Christian. It is only normal for me to see homosexuality the way scriptures see it.

Leviticus 18: 22, 20:13, Romans 1: 18-32, Jude: 7

Mumi Tani

Friday, 31 May 2013

Writing is Therapeutic...

I usually say writing is therapeutic.
Well, it is for me.
It helps me let out all that is bottled up within.
It helps me unwind just like what movies do to me.

I like telling stories with my write-ups, leaving the reader to wonder at the meaning.
Some of my writings are a reflection of my everyday living, my hurts, emotions, joy and pain.
You can read me through my write-ups.

I have not written anything in a while; this isn’t because I don’t have things to put down.
I have a lot to write, but there is no motivation to put them down
It also means writing is emotional for me.
I write better when I am in certain moods.
Or let's say I write certain things when I am in a certain mood.
Like things pertaining to this blog.

I wouldn’t hesitate to write my report or a proposal if I need to. Lol.
How would I explain to my boss that I am not in the mood to work.
Since I am not ready to get fired, I get to work when I need to work.

Writing is therapeutic. I love to write. So I write.
Same way I love to hang out with friends and also make new friends.
I also love to visit the cinemas.
Life can be fun if we learn to take things easy and slowly.
And I don’t mean you should be lazy, I am only saying…
Work hard and play hard…
One day at a time.

I hope I get to write meaningful things soon.
Before I go, I’ll leave you with a little gift. ;)
See you guys around.

House of Sienna : Wow Factor

House of Sienna : Wow Factor

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

My Life

My life is taking a new turn
A turn for the better, I hope and pray
At the end I hope to stay
In bliss with my head up high

In this storm, I pray I survive
In the torrent, I pray I do not drown

Why did I mess up this stage of my life
Why did I give in to the pressures
Why was I so afraid of forging ahead alone

Why am I so afraid of forging ahead alone
Do I really need that shield, that cover

I should learn to trust me and depend on me

Now, I'm downcast and all alone.
My life as it is now isn't what I plan for it to be
But in all things, I will give thanks.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


A wind from the far east
will you blow and ease
the pain of this mind?

Immersed in many losses
grieved by the pain
of labour

Where lies the way?
Shall I lie that I know?
I seek an anchor in this ship

The day is dark
The night is darker
There's a light above

To undo the done
I shall wait yet for
another dawn

It will rain again
It will shine once more
It will be a day to smile

Michael Adeniyi Abiiba
25-01-13 (7:08pm)


The cock shall crow
That hour beckons
The celebrated and the neglected
Will lie with no breath

The cock shall crow
Riches will find no worth
In that market
Your works alone will stand

The cock shall crow
That day draweth close
All will rise before the judge
And the silks will have no say

The cock shall crow
The last of man shall come
Esteemed flesh fed to the earth 
Inequality no more shall be

Michael A. Abiiba


I promised to hold you
I vowed never to let you
But now I have let you

I cannot bring you
I cannot change your
but my heart holds beat for

See it as no cheap
Hold it close like the breath in your
If nothing is
my feelings for you is not

Michael Adeniyi Abiiba
25-01-13 (7:35pm)

PlAy uPoN WoRdS II

Excuse me a minute
Let's watch a play
A play of ink on paper

A style so free
Some call freestyle

Up and down the stairs
Just to get a stare

I am not moved an inch
Even when you pinch

Teeth for tate
Life is too short for that

Do you have to bone
When I play a love tone

Let us take the grace
Before we run the race

Let the King reign
And there shall be rain

All I need is water
Cus I ate bread and butter

Please give me your pin
She said that's a long thing

As I drove away
I saw many on one way

Spill the ink
It's all about pink

Whether you play upon words
Just keep all your wards

I thought I said hi
Even though you were high

Let me drop my pen
So I can catch a hen

When we see again
I hope you'll share your gain

Michael Adeniyi Abiiba
28-01-2013 (8:08pm)

Monday, 28 January 2013


Like love birds we flew
to the highest heavens
dared to touch a star
no shackle or bar
pressed to hold us back

Our souls were one
We wore in uniform
I could see me in you
that shadow coming behind

Every time you smile
My light came brighter
You spoke not a word
Yet your sayings were known

This dawn has hurriedly cast into a night
Why should the sun mourn
and the moon dim its ray?

The cracks in the wall
habitable solace for agamas'
We should brood a moment
and give our minds to reason;
why yield to Achebe's prophecy?

Things may fall apart
but the centre is capable
to hold

Abiiba Michael Adeniyi
8-12-2012 (11:32pm)