I am blogging this
morning with a heavy heart.
When we have lost
our values and uphold things alien to our faith and culture, then I know it is
time to mourn.
When we leave the natural
use of things and begin to embrace that which is an abomination, I say the end
is drawing closer than one can imagine.
We often say, "Jesus is coming soon"!
Do we actually believe
he is coming soon?
Is his second coming something we are truly looking forward to?
Or are we just passing time, hoping when he comes eventually we will be among His holy people without living according to the precepts he has laid down?
I am also guilty of all I listed above to some extent.
Not that I don't believe He is coming soon, but I have not been watchful and prayerful as the scriptures instructed us to be.
Is his second coming something we are truly looking forward to?
Or are we just passing time, hoping when he comes eventually we will be among His holy people without living according to the precepts he has laid down?
I am also guilty of all I listed above to some extent.
Not that I don't believe He is coming soon, but I have not been watchful and prayerful as the scriptures instructed us to be.
I have been complacent
and my focus has been more on pleasing “ME” than on pleasing God.
I did a thorough soul search and I see the need to go back to my first love.
I grew up understanding a family to consist of a mother, father and children (and by extension, a group of people related by blood). And I understand a marriage to be the legal relationship between a man and a woman (husband and wife).
The society is now teaching me to accept a family to comprise of 2 parents of same sex as father and mother or 2 parents of different sex as father and mother.
Marriage can now be a union between 2 males or 2 females.
I did a thorough soul search and I see the need to go back to my first love.
I grew up understanding a family to consist of a mother, father and children (and by extension, a group of people related by blood). And I understand a marriage to be the legal relationship between a man and a woman (husband and wife).
The society is now teaching me to accept a family to comprise of 2 parents of same sex as father and mother or 2 parents of different sex as father and mother.
Marriage can now be a union between 2 males or 2 females.
We have refused to
distinguish the fundamental difference between homosexuality and
I realized that when
fundamental things suddenly become less important to us, it only says one thing
- that our set of values has changed.
When you begin to
embrace things alien to your faith and culture, it only means that you have
become so liberal that you no longer see the danger signs or remember the
history behind those things.
Some things are an abomination unto God.
Homosexuality is an abomination unto God. It is not an alternate lifestyle; it is an aberration, an unnatural use of your body and a SIN.
God made Adam & Eve and not Peter & Paul or Susan & Sally.
Some things are an abomination unto God.
Homosexuality is an abomination unto God. It is not an alternate lifestyle; it is an aberration, an unnatural use of your body and a SIN.
God made Adam & Eve and not Peter & Paul or Susan & Sally.
If you indulge in it, desist, because it is a sign of God's judgement on your life.
I am a Christian. It is
only normal for me to see homosexuality the way scriptures see it.
Leviticus 18: 22, 20:13,
Romans 1: 18-32, Jude: 7
Mumi Tani
Mumi Tani